Day 1
[editor’s note: when the kids post, we load up the WordPress app and let them have at it. Concept development and execution are their own. 🙂] No food or water. So thirsty, and hungry.
[editor’s note: when the kids post, we load up the WordPress app and let them have at it. Concept development and execution are their own. 🙂] No food or water. So thirsty, and hungry.
“This is a personal website. All views and information presented herein are my own and do not represent the views of the Fulbright Program or the U.S. Department of State.” I am excited to announce that I have been selected as a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching recipient for the academic year 2016-17. Let me backtrack and explain. First, Fulbright is a group of programs under the auspices of the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs….
In our house whenever we take the kids somewhere we tell them we are going on an “adventure.” Usually this means we are going to the grocery store or to get the oil changed. Sometimes it means we are going thrift store shopping or to buy new shoes. The only reason we trick cajole the kids into getting into the car is that occasionally we hit the zoo or the children’s museum. However this year we are actually going on adventures. Real…
FullerNotes began as the domain for my classroom sites at both the high school and middle school. I used the domain primarily as a place to host our class calendar, and as a publishing platform for some of our in-class digital projects over the years. When I transitioned to the community college, I switched all my class work over to Canvas. Since the LMS does almost everything that I need, this site became orphaned. When we were looking for a…