Year of Adventures: Part II
“This is a personal website. All views and information presented herein are my own and do not represent the views of the Fulbright Program or the U.S. Department of State.”
I am excited to announce that I have been selected as a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching recipient for the academic year 2016-17. Let me backtrack and explain.
First, Fulbright is a group of programs under the auspices of the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The DAT award is specifically for K-12 teachers who desire to do research to improve global understanding or best practices. Since my classes have the global understanding part down (this year-13 countries and 9 languages), I decided to research best practices.
So, in September, my family and I will be traveling to the Palestinian Territories to research methods of using oral history to improve 2nd language writing. I will be visiting local schools to see how they teach writing. Also, I will be taking a class or two at the university. I *really* hope one of those classes is Arabic language. I know about 20 words in Arabic and it would be a shame to return and not know any more than that. Plus, my one-day-dream of a PhD requires knowledge of a non-western language. 🙂
While we are there, the kids will be attending local schools and Dan will be teaching hybrid classes from our apartment.
We found a really great video that shows what a city in the area looks like.
For now, we are working on details: getting a substitute for my classes in Mississippi, working out details of being gone (who is feeding the cats and goldfish), and getting our lesson plans ready for the fall.
Follow both our summer and fall adventures on social media.
Twitter – @fullernotes