Cowboys Out West
<opener> It was a dark and stormy night. It was really. We entered a cowboy shop. I didn’t know what we were doing at the cowboy shop, but we finally found something there. Its name was Del’s. It had a gift shop and they told your fortune. Actually that didn’t happen, but it is a great story. We went to Del’s and there was lots of food. Everyone was dressed like cowboys and cowgirls like in a western. We went inside and the food was dee-lish. After that, Will got a fortune that “You will find your true love.” But Will didn’t like that fortune.
Now enough talking about Will’s future. It was really, really, really fun. The food was super delicious. It was great.
Aunt Diana was super fun. So we went to a taco place. They served free peppermints so Will and I each got one.
And after that, we went to a place that you can spray paint cars, Cadillac Ranch. So since we didn’t have anything else to do, our parents let us spray-paint the dirt. Then we went to New Mexico and it was super, super fun!