Maggie’s musings
So today I’m going to talk about my school. School is so fun, but we have a holiday today.
I love school. But not really here because it is mostly Arabic. It is just not as fun as America where we get 2 recesses. Here we only get one and there is no play equipment. <Maggie knows the word for play equipment.> But the good thing about it is there is a lot of kids who know a lot of English. And in America there are a lot of kids who do know a lot of Spanish <and other languages>.
My favorite class is Arabic Math.
So a few weeks ago we saw the Monastery. We were in Petra. I have a really cool picture of it.
See it is really cool.
We even have our own Flat Stanley. It is my dog, Cookie.
So then let me tell you the story of my life. It is my favorite story ever. Once upon a time there was this nice little baby girl named Maggie. And then there was a 2 year old named Will. He was a sweet little boy, not really he is an awesome cool boy. Will’s mom and dad were danny and lynn fuller. So 7 years later the girl was 7 now, the boy was 9. The parents were 10 and 20 something. Then we went to Palestine. We flew in a big plane. In Palestine we rode a donkey, a camel and a taxi. It was so fun. And that is the end of my life, so until next time EAT MORE CANDY! Well that is my post, bye!
One thought on “Maggie’s musings”
I remember that sweet little baby girl 7 years ago! And that cool awesome 2 year old that tried to tell us him name was Frankie. And those 10 or 20 year old you call mom and dad and pretty awesome too!