We saw a motorcycle show. (If any of you know how really hypnotize someone tell me in the comments I mean it) We had a exciting time. 4ufggfdjdhgd. (sorry problem with the keys)
In Bethlehem (see maggie’s post) a stunt man was taking photos and there was a crowd after 2 minutes. That guy cannot go anywhere without a crowd following him. The stunts he did were standing up on the motorcycle. I think I saw him do a handstand on the motorcycle. He could just do a handstand while it is stopped. He doesn’t even have to make it go.
But don’t tell him I said that though. He might get his security guys on me.
I’m really good we got to see him in Bethlehem because in Ramallah there were too many people to see. The VIP people were up front looking all smug because they got the best view. AND they got shade! 🙁
That is my post for today! Keep watching looking.
3 thoughts on “Motorcycles!”
Will, I sort of know how to use hypnotism. When my students get the hiccups, I tell them to stare into my eyes and not to blink , talk, or get distracted. If they can do that for about 30 seconds, it cures the hiccups. Try that sometime.
Will says, “It turns out it works on Maggie!” Now Maggie, “i can’t believe it worked. I had hiccups all day and it worked!”
I enjoy your posts very much.