Zip lining (no lines were harmed in the making of this blog)
I did not actually zip line if you were worried.
I did do a 4-mile marathon though. My dad ran too. (Huff, puff)
I’m going to start at the beginning now. I went to school and blah, blah, blah. Let’s cut to chase. We were raising money for schools in Jericho that got torn down. They called it white boards on wheels.
I got a medal for running. It had a hand holding a torch on it.
Now time to take on more pressing matters. Cookies or cupcakes? I thought we were going to run to a restaurant.
I was wrong. We made a loop, listened to boring speeches
and got the medals. I hope the new school enjoys the white boards. Bye!
One thought on “Zip lining (no lines were harmed in the making of this blog)”
Will, you make us smile, even laugh! You are soooo funny.